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Edition: Paris, 1676. Imprimerie royale
Publisher: Nicolas Robert (1614 – 1685)
Condition: közepes

Nicolas Robert (18 April 1614 – 25 March 1685) was a French miniaturist and engraver. He was employed c. 1650 by Gaston d'Orleans, brother of Louis XIII, to paint on vellum the birds and flowers kept in the menagerie and botanical garden at the chateau of Blois; these watercolours, along with those subsequently made for Louis XIV, number around 700 and constitute the nucleus of the Collection des Velins of botanical art and natural history now in the library of the Musee National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. In 1664 he was appointed as "peintre ordinaire de Sa Majesté pur la miniature" (Painter of Miniatures) to Louis XIV. (Reference:

16 000 Ft
